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I left the job of writing The Backward Ark unfinished. The book contains no photos, no charts and no clue as to what might have happened next. Herewith then, somewhat belatedly, a few of those things. I hope you enjoy. Cheers.

I'm a photographer by trade, but I left all that behind when we set off to Trinidad. So it's more by luck than judgement that we ended up with a fair few images. Here's a selection that I hope you'll find mildly entertaining.

These two charts give some idea of our route, but it should be borne in mind that we seldom, if ever, sailed in such lovely straight lines. On the Atlantic chart, somewhere between Bermuda and the Azores, our track must have resembled a ball of wool after a kitten has had a good go at it.  

The first three chapters of The Backward Ark are here to download.


Not a lot is the short and simple answer. The boys went back to school and then to collage and then to University. Blake is now starting his career as a talented graphic designer and Craig is doing his Honours year in lens-based media. It took them both about three months to get back up to speed after their extended absence from formal education, so there was certainly no harm done.

Debs is working full-time, supporting me while I write, read and tend to our allotments. It’s not as bad for poor ol’ Debs as it sounds; I’ve learnt how to cook reasonably well, which is something she thought would never happen.

We were sadly forced to sell the gallant yacht Kra, she was impossibly expensive to maintain. We’ve lost track of her now, but I believe she still ploughs the ocean waves and that's all that matters.

As a family we remain incredibly close, which I’m sure is, at least in part, the result of our great shared adventure. It has to be said, I’m a very lucky man.

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